Commitment to Māori

We are committed to support the mana motuhake of the Māori arts sector in Tāmaki. Te Taumata Toi-a-Iwi will champion the role Māori arts and the contribution Māori artists make to the arts sector and the wellbeing of all in Tāmaki. Te Taumata Toi-a-Iwi will show leadership by our actions and acknowledge the important role Māori play in the Tāmaki Makaurau arts sector. 

We are embarking on a journey to build an organisation with genuine commitment to decolonisation, indigeneity, mātauranga Māori, and weaves te ao Māori. A Māori world view, weaving Māori culture, values and language into the fabric of the organisation and within the way we go about our business. 

Click here to read our commitment to the Māori arts sector.