Te Taumata Toi-a-Iwi

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Investing in Creative Sector Capability Development

Investing in Capability Development is a 2020 report produced by Te Taumata of sector capability needs, prior to the release of the Te Tahua Whakakaha Cultural Sector Capability Fund by  ManatÅ« Taonga, the Ministry of Culture and Heritage. 

The report helped inform conversations with the sector and Auckland investors in the arts about where capability development could be focused, and how it could be approached most effectively. 

Investing in Capability Development looks at the key aspects of capability development; who benefits from development; and the various delivery mechanisms for supporting development. It considers principles of good practice for creative sector capability support; and models and considerations for collaborative investment; and identifies some of the organisations and agencies offering capability support.

Click here to read the full report.

Photo credit: Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash.