Te Taumata Toi-a-Iwi

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Reimagining Toi Whītiki Proposed Project Scope

You can read the full report here.

Auckland Council embarked on a review of its Arts and Culture Strategy, Toi Whītiki, in 2020/2021. This identified the need to reimagine Toi Whītiki as a strategic framework for the creative ecosystem that: 

  • Has a common purpose, shared vision and outcomes for the sector 

  • Creates public value and impact, linked to investment and accountability 

  • Embeds Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles and te ao Māori more visibly 

  • Achieve greater fairness, equity and diversity with the ecosystem. 

Auckland Council’s Culture and Diversity Team (Community and Social Policy) partnered with Te Taumata Toi-a-Iwi to carry out engagement that would inform a scope of work for producing a reimagined Toi Whītiki. This engagement included: 

  • Discussions with nine major cultural institutions, led by Council 

  • A series of six kōrero with rōpu that included independent practitioners, Toi Māori representatives, rangatahi and Moana Oceania creatives, led by Te Taumata Toi-a-Iwi. 

This project scope outlines a proposed approach for the reimagination of Toi Whītiki, and has been developed in direct response to the key findings from the engagement.