"Shaping the future of the arts, culture and creative sector – an election forum"

Shaping the future of the arts, culture and creative sector was the topic of a 2022 pre-General Election online forum. 

Speakers included Hon Carmel Sepuloni, Associate Minister of Arts Culture and Heritage; Jonathan Young MP, Arts Culture and Heritage spokesperson National Party; and Chlöe Swarbrick MP, Arts Culture and Heritage spokesperson Green Party. The policies of each party were presented, before a conversation with the speakers was facilitated by broadcaster Miriama Kamo. 

The forum was convened by Te Taumata Toi-a-Iwi as the regional arts trust for Auckland, on behalf of Ngā Toi Advocacy Network, and in partnership with Auckland Live, The Big Idea and the Spinoff.

Key Soundbites

Miriama Kamo on the challenges and opportunities ahead for our industry.

All candidates on establishing an all government taskforce for the arts.

Candidates responding to a sector question on what transformational shift they could make for the industry.

Carmel Sepuloni on Labour's engagement with the arts sector in the wake of the pandemic.

The candidates talk to the role arts and culture play in our national identity.

Candidates give their closing pitch on their commitment to the arts & culture sector.

Jonathan Young on the issues surrounding lotteries funding of the sector.

Chloe Swarbrick on the importance and commitments to toi Māori in any strategy.

The candidates on their best New Zealand art experiences.


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