Te Taumata Toi-a-Iwi

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Workbooks - resources for arts organisations

Te Taumata Toi-a-Iwi developed these resources as part of a workshop series for arts organisations, commissioned by Auckland Council and funded by Creative New Zealand. The strategy workshop series aimed to help arts organisations think through how to build organisational resilience and sustainability. Each workshop was accompanied by these workbooks. 

Workbook 1: Developing strategy for your organisation

This workbook will introduce some key concepts to help you understand the role of strategy in your organisational planning, and how to develop your strategy. It will cover:

  • Where strategy fits in your business planning process

  • Characteristics of good strategy

  • How to create an actionable strategy

  • Communicating your strategy

  • Links to further resources

Click to read Workbook 1: Developing strategy for your organisation

Workbook 2: Demonstrating Impact - Useful tools

This workbook contains useful tools to understand and demonstrate impact, regardless of creative focus, scale and stage of development. It will cover: 

  • Tools for clear intent

  • Tools to evidence impact

  • Tools to communicate impact 

  • Links to further resources

Click to read Workbook 2: Demonstrating Impact - Useful tools

Workbook 3: Sharing your story

This workbook presents some key concepts to help you build a communication plan that supports your organisation’s strategy.

  • Why have a communications plan?

  • A framework for communicating your work and impact

  • Links to further resources

Click to read Workbook 3: Sharing your story